Grade 4/ Day 4

March 7th 2019 
#1 Today we did grade 4 drawing exercises and activities – exercises “drawing is a practice”. As teachers we should give our students a list of things to draw, give them a drawing book and allow then to have 5 minutes at beginning or end of the day to freely draw. Allow them to pick anything on the list or their own creations. Drawing something different every day and allow us as teachers to get an observation as to where they are at and where they are going. We learned many different drawing techniques today the first was to train you eye look at a bulletin board and draw the shapes on it, this is called mental measuring. Which is a good connection with the mathematics curriculum, using: symmetry, measuring, etc. Give them little activities for example we drew the bulletin board, then we drew our route from our parked car to how we got to our classroom using a pencil. Next we chose a different drawing option, I chose a charcoal pencil. From memory we had to draw a stapler. Lines is the most important element when you are drawing . After drawing a stapler he had us look at a stapler now and redesign ours add to it maybe some shape, but then we had to pick another material to draw with I chose a marker and made the bottom line thicker. This was a technique.Our element of design today was lines and more specifically contour lines. We looked at positive and negative spaces/ or shapes – example looking at the bulletin board instead of drawing poster shapes draw the blue background (opposite) “contour We did gesture drawing, contour and blind contour (draw it without looking at your page) this is good for brain development. We used a lot of drawing materials such as markers, crayons, pencils, pencil crayons and charcoal pencils.
#2 I learned a lot through making this project, I was nat very good at drawing before but after today there are definitely some techniques that I will be able to transfer into my future teachings. The one thing that I learned and enjoyed the most was the follow the leader one we did where the teacher has a picture and does not show the class. The teacher gives directions on colour and where on the page and what shape to draw. At the end you see how close your drawing was to the original. I found this would be very fun with students of all ages. You could add more and more detail for each higher grade.
#3 An idea communicated through this project was that drawing can be so versatile and what interests one student may not interest another. By showing these students all of the different techniques they can choose the one that interests them the most and draw using that technique. It will allow students to have choice, but give their teacher still a piece of work that he/she can be marked on for the drawing aspect. Students may use thinner lines if they are feeling happy or thicker lines if they are angry (pushing hard on the page).
#4 I enjoyed the project where we started with one line then passed the sheet around the group of three and everyone just added one line and passed it on until the teacher told us to stop. When we stopped it was really cool to see where our picture started and ended. Those are the first 3 photos shown in this blog. They turned out really cool, and you may have had a thought as to where the picture was going but when it got back to you it might have been in a totally different direction. The project I least liked was the contour drawing that we had to follow where the teacher was going on the projector and we weren't allowed to look at our page.
#5 What I would do to change this project to make it more successful would be to have less going on and get a little bit more in depth with each technique. I felt that we rushed through the different drawing types really quickly and I think that for students grade 1-6 they will struggle with that amount of information thrown at them. As the teacher I would do a portion or these drawing ways each day allowing them to explore a little more and practise a few more times. This way they will be able to understand each technique and may remember it better.
