Grade 1/ Day 1
1#1 The project that I made today was a sculpture using, toothpicks, Styrofoam like puffs, a Styrofoam cup, plaster strips, clay. We were able to create whatever we wanted with these materials as long as it was on top of the styrofoam cup. At the end we were then to combine all of our groups sculptures together to create a theme. Our theme was music so we made a band and I turned my sculpture upside down to resemble a trumpet. #2 I had never used the plaster strips until today, they were very interesting, you dip them in water and then form them into what you want as they harden into place. This project can be very versatile when it comes to different cultures when we were asked at the end to transform our individual sculptures into a group sculpture it could have been anything from anywhere. You could have used cross curriculum here and had one of us make a science sculpture, one person can make a social studies sculpture, another person can make a gym relate...